Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 110 44 650 50' General Service Tank Car Weathered Procor PROX # 75374 Micro Trains Line N 110 44 650 50' General Service Tank Car Weathered Procor PROX # 75374 Please note: This is a factory weathered car, both sides are different. Please see photos for actual views of car. With a 286,000-pound capacity and holding over... $35.95 $28.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 983 05 087 40' Standard Boxcars Weathered Western Pacific WP 2-Pack Micro Trains Line N 983 05 087 40' Standard Boxcars Weathered Western Pacific WP 2-Pack Please note: This is a factory weathered car set, both sides are different. Please see photos for actual views of both cars. Jewel Cases Roadnumbers WP #21096,... $59.95 $48.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 983 05 085 100-Ton 3-Bay Open Hoppers Weathered B&LE 'ex-Rock Island' 2-Pack Micro Trains Line N 983 05 085 100-Ton 3-Bay Open Hoppers Weathered B&LE 'ex-Rock Island' 2-Pack Please note: This is a factory weathered car set, both sides are different. Please see photos for actual views of both cars. Jewel Cases Built in 1978 by... $59.95 $48.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 065 00 326 39' Single Dome Tank Car SHPX #23703 Micro Trains Line N 065 00 326 39' Single Dome Tank Car SHPX #23703 This 8,000-gallon capacity insulated tank car was built for Shippers Car Line and was designed for vinyl acetate service. It featured a new welded dome design, called... $30.90 $24.79 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 102 00 847 Modified 60' Excess-Height Double-Plug-Door Boxcar 'Honoring Class 1 RR' Canadian National CN #557579 Micro Trains Line N 102 00 847 Modified 60' Excess-Height Double-Plug-Door Boxcar 'Honoring Class 1 RR' Canadian National CN #557579 Long serving Class 1 Railroads have been the bedrock of the North American economy for decades. As a tribute we are... $28.95 $23.19 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 123 44 012 60' Rib-Side Double-Plug-Door High-Cube Boxcar Weathered w/Christmas graffiti TTX TBOX #667025 Micro Trains Line N 123 44 012 60' Rib-Side Double-Plug-Door High-Cube Boxcar Weathered w/Christmas graffiti TTX TBOX #667025 Please note: This is a factory weathered car, all sides are different. Please see photos for actual views of car. Built by... $52.95 $42.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 107 00 100 65' Mill Gondola with Drop Ends & Christmas Tree Load Micro Trains Line N 107 00 100 65' Mill Gondola with Drop Ends & Christmas Tree Load This Chicago & North Western 65’ mill gondola was designed to haul finished structural steel shapes and other bulky loads, and featured drop ends that... $34.95 $27.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 983 00 230 40' Single-Door Boxcar No Roofwalk C&O 4-Pack - Jewel Cases Micro Trains Line N 983 00 230 40' Single-Door Boxcar No Roofwalk C&O 4-Pack - Jewel Cases Jewel Cases Road Numbers: C & O #460238, 460395, 460268, 460447 These 40’ boxcars were built in 1947 for the CB&Q. To help fill a boxcar shortage... $109.95 $82.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 051 00 380 34' Wood Sheathed Caboose New York Central NYC #19450 Micro Trains Line N 051 00 380 34' Wood Sheathed Caboose New York Central NYC #19450 This wood-side New York Central caboose was painted iron oxide red and used through the 1960s. Penn Central was formed through the merger of Pennsylvania Railroad and... $33.90 $27.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Micro Trains N Micro Trains Line N 045 00 765 50' Fishbelly-Side Flatcar w/Side Brake Wheel and Propeller Load Canadian Pacific #301335 Micro Trains Line N 045 00 765 50' Fishbelly-Side Flatcar w/Side Brake Wheel and Propeller Load Canadian Pacific #301335 Belonging to series 301300-301399, this general-purpose flat car was serviced in the mid-1980s. It is carrying two large bronze ship... $29.95 $21.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Tangent N Tangent Scale Models N 81018-03 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper INTX 'UP Patch 2013' INTX #87639 Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Tangent Scale Models N 81018-03 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper INTX 'UP Patch 2013' INTX... $42.95 $32.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Tangent N Tangent Scale Models N 81018-01 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper INTX 'UP Patch 2013' INTX #87442 Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Tangent Scale Models N 81018-01 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper INTX 'UP Patch 2013' INTX... $42.95 $32.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Tangent N Tangent Scale Models N 81017-06 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BN Patch 2010' GACX #470489 Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Tangent Scale Models N 81017-06 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BN Patch 2010' GACX... $42.95 $32.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Tangent N Tangent Scale Models N 81017-05 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BN Patch 2010' GACX #470486 Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Tangent Scale Models N 81017-05 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BN Patch 2010' GACX... $42.95 $32.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Tangent N Tangent Scale Models N 81017-04 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BN Patch 2010' GACX #470447 Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Tangent Scale Models N 81017-04 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BN Patch 2010' GACX... $42.95 $32.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare
Sale N scale Tangent N Tangent Scale Models N 81016-06 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BNSF Patch 2010' GACX #470186 Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Tangent Scale Models N 81016-06 Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper GACX 'BNSF Patch 2010' GACX... $42.95 $32.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish list Compare