HO Locomotives

Rapido Trains Inc HO 33530 DCC/ESU LokSound V5 Equipped Montreal Locomotive Works MLW M420 / M420B Locomotive Set British Columbia Railway 'Green Lightning Stripe Scheme' BCR #645, 688
HO scale

Rapido HO

Rapido Trains Inc HO 33530 DCC/ESU LokSound V5 Equipped Montreal Locomotive Works MLW M420 / M420B Locomotive Set British Columbia Railway 'Green Lightning Stripe Scheme' BCR #645, 688

Please note picture is representative of the item but may not be same road number. Always refer to product description for actual product details. Rapido Trains Inc HO 33530 DCC/ESU LokSound V5 Equipped Montreal Locomotive Works MLW M420 / M420B...

$669.00 $529.99
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